Ray of Hope UK

Ray of Hope UK is a charity organisation that was originally set up in Southern Africa's very own Botswana. We aim to raise funds for children that need an education, as well as allow them to believe their dreams can come true.
Economic Justice, International Solidarity and Racial Justice

This is the Leeds local group called Ray of Hope.

Ray of hope is a charity that was set up in Southern Africa’s Botswana to help children get an education. Things are different in African countries, as if you have no money, you are not able to attend school and build your dreams. Ray of Hope was set up to help children realise that their dreams can come true. Ray of Hope holds classes in Maths, English, Science and the Arts every week. They also play games with the children to build up self-esteem and hope.

Ray of Hope UK, is the sister charity to the one in Botswana. Ray of Hope UK is based in Leeds and is run by student volunteers that want to raise awareness of the crisis in villages in Botswana and other African countries. We aim to raise funds for the children abroad and for the children in the UK. We have had different classes for English and Maths within Leeds that help children in primary and secondary school. Ray of Hope UK was also set up to help children that are new to Leeds and need a welcome Hello.

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