Leeds Green Exchange

The Green Exchange is Leeds University Union's exciting new sustainability project, working from the heart of Leeds to help you achieve a more sustainable lifestyle! If you're a student in the city, you can apply for funding to run your own sustainability project and to transform your community.
Community and Ecological Justice

The Green Exchange is a brand new sustainability project based in the heart of Leeds, working across the city to help you achieve a more sustainable lifestyle!

When asked to think about sustainability, many people talk about the global issues of environmental conservation or action on climate change; topics that can quickly become overwhelming, and turn people away from getting involved. We’re here to help communities in Leeds realise that sustainability exists as part of their everyday lives, not just on the scale of international activism. Sustainability is also about where and how you choose to live, and the behaviours most of us are engaging in already, like recycling your waste or hopping on the bus! With just a few simple steps, building a better city and future can be fun, easy and delicious, and we’re here to show you how!

Though looked after by Leeds University Union, the Exchange works in collaboration with our friends at the University of Leeds and other Leeds based unis and unions.
Using £250,000 of funding from the NUS Students Green Fund, we’re expanding our on and off site sustainability projects, and looking for students from across Leeds to build transformative projects in their communities. If you’re a student at any institution in Leeds, we want to hear from you!

Half of all our funded projects must include some element of carbon reduction within them; this doesn’t mean that your project must be all about carbon, just that you should try and incorporate it into the planning and implementation. For example, a project all about encouraging students to shop and source their food locally reduces carbon output by reducing air food miles! We also really want our funded projects to support as many people as possible, so please think about how your idea can engage people from lots of different backgrounds, and people who wouldn’t normally try to think or act sustainably!

We’re really excited to hear from you, and to help you build a better Leeds!

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