Leeds Green Party’s vision is a greener, fairer, happier Leeds where everyone can:
Please contact us if you would like to get involved with our campaigning in any way.
The Green Exchange is a brand new sustainability project based in the heart of Leeds, working…
We are the Greenpeace Leeds local group. Think global, act local! Join us to find…
We are a new campaign group dedicated to raising awareness of the air pollution problem…
Hollybush is an inspiration to many, but we need your help too.
Leeds network inspired by and supporting the project of self-determination, ecology and gender equality in…
The Human Aquarium is a project by Yorkshire Life Aquatic CIC. Started in 2018 to…
In Leeds we are supporting the development of an extensive and active network of community…
Transition Meanwood is a community-led group who’s aim is to strengthen the local economy, reduce…
Further overdevelopment in Aireborough is unsustainable – the infrastructure cannot support it and there are…
Leeds Community Clothes Exchange Is a community project encouraging the exchange of clothes and accessories…
We are a charity, educating for a just and sustainable world. Our mission is to…
DecarboN8 is an EPSRC funded network seeking to bring together business, government and academia across the North…
The Pedallers Arms is a place to come and learn how to repair your bike…
The threat of fracking is coming to Leeds but we’re going to stop it!
Our aim To bring the widest possible cross-section of the Yorkshire community together and ongoingly…
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