We’re a group of volunteers taking positive action on environmental, ecological and community issues in the Leeds area – currently campaigning to protect bees, ban fracking in Leeds and calling for a stop to plans to increase transport links to Leeds Bradford Airport – though we are always open to new ideas!
So, if you are interested in making a positive change to your local area please get in touch,
Contact us via: leedsfoegroup@gmail.com
or Come along to one of our meetings, first Tuesday of every month, 6.00pm: Pomegranate Café, 79 Gt George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR.
Leeds Friends of the Earth is part of the national Friends of the Earth local group network – the largest grassroots environmental campaigning network in the UK – made up of over 200 local groups campaigning on a variety of local, national and international issues.
For more information on the local group network, please see: http://www.foe.co.uk/get_involved/act_local_index