Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
Notwestminster is a free event for everyone who has something positive to say about local democracy and anyone who is up for the challenge of making it better.
Do you want to be part of a kinder, more constructive and more open local democracy? If we want a more compassionate kind of democracy that matters for our everyday lives (and in which our everyday lives matter) then we can each be part of making that happen. Notwestminster is where we can listen to each other, share ideas and work together to improve our democracy.
Join us for inspiring lightning talks, interactive workshops hosted by our participants, and lots of opportunities for making contact with others who are interested in local democracy, citizen engagement, open data and civic tech. The day concludes with our Ideas Bazaar where we’ll share our pledges to improve our local democracy.
So if a kinder local democracy is your kind of democracy, please join us at Notwestminster.