Workers Rights

These groups work toward a world where workers are free of discrimination and abuse from employers, and where every worker has the opportunity to support themselves financially as a foundation for a meaningful life in line with their goals.

Groups campaign for workers’ rights with the aim of enshrining these in law and ensuring their continued observance, either by offering legal advice and support, or solidarity. Other groups work to promote better wages and conditions.

Learn more about minimum wage, basic income, unionisation, employment law and more.

Leeds TUC

Leeds Trades Union Council brings together local affiliate trade union branches to campaign around issues affecting working people in Leeds.
Workers Rights

Acorn Leeds

ACORN is a community based social justice union, organising low & moderate income communities to build people power and fight for the common good.
Community, Economic Justice, Housing and Workers Rights

Momentum Leeds

The Leeds branch of Momentum, a grassroots group campaigning for an open, democratic Labour party, powered by its members
Political Parties and Workers Rights


Usdaw is ‘Here to Help You’ whatever your job and no matter whether you are employed on a full-time, part-time or casual basis. We provide advice and representation to workers in many different workplaces.
Workers Rights

Homeworkers Worldwide

Homeworkers Worldwide supports homeworkers in their struggle for rights and recognition. Homeworkers are mainly women who do paid work at home. Their work is low paid, they have no employment rights or social protection and are rarely recognised as workers. We support grassroots organising projects, campaign for retailers to improve conditions for homeworkers in their supply chains and lobby for international regulation to strengthen the rights of homeworkers and other informal workers.
Feminism and Workers Rights

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Leeds

The IWW is a grassroots and democratic union where members support each other through solidarity against exploitation we face as workers, tenants and claimants. The action we take is decided at the grassroots level and our (low) membership fees are not spent on highly paid union officials or political party donations. We are a radical union that aim is to see society re-organised to meet the interests of all people, and not just shareholders and corporations. We welcome new members to branch meetings.
Economic Justice, International Solidarity and Workers Rights

Friends of Leeds Kirkgate Market

Friends of Leeds Kirkgate Market is a new group for everyone – customers, traders, citizens and visitors – who love Kirkgate Market and want it to survive and flourish in its present form and not become yet another bland and soulless shopping centre.
Community and Workers Rights

Plan C

Plan C is an organisation of people who are politically active in their workplaces and communities. We work together to support each other, amplify our struggles and think strategically.
Political Theory and Workers Rights

Unite Community Leeds and Wakefield

Unite’s community membership provides a way people can find and use their political voice. Whether it is taking a stand against a service closure or coming together to improve your living environment, as a community member, Unite will be on your side.
Community and Workers Rights

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