Leeds Tenants Federation

Leeds Tenants Federation makes sure that all residents have a say in decisions about their homes and their communities. Our mission is to unite council, housing association and private tenants in one strong organisation.

Leeds Tenants Federation (LTF) is an independent limited company representing all Leeds tenants and residents. It also represents Tenants and Residents Associations (TARAs) and Area Reps at the highest level, championing their excellent work in local communities and supporting them to tackle issues that matter most to them. We moved out of our offices at the end of March. Our details are listed below in the Contact LTF section.

This work is co-ordinated and overseen by our Board, made up of tenants and residents from the social and private housing sectors. Issues impacting tenants and residents are monitored by their TARA panel, a group of TARA members and Area Reps from across the city.

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