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Thinking differently about commissioning (Leeds)

February 17, 2020 @ 08:00 - 17:00


Event Location

Cloth Hall Court
Quebec Street
Leeds, LS1 2HA
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Event Details:

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Commissioning and the role that commissioners play is changing. Providers and commissioners are increasingly planning services together, and commissioners are working across health and social care. The old ‘purchaser–provider’ split is blurring and what was once a system based on competition?is evolving into a system focused on collaboration. Rather than just delivering health services, innovative commissioners are starting to focus their efforts on improving population health.

Join us for this conference on 17 March in Leeds, where experts from The King’s Fund will explain key developments in health and care commissioning. Participants will hear from innovative commissioners who are approaching their role in new ways – including new ways of paying for services and new approaches to joint working across clinical commissioning groups and local authorities. The conference will also feature national leaders debating the future of commissioning.

Hear from experts about how:

  • the landscape is changing
  • contracting and services are developing in response
  • to commission for primary care networks
  • to best explore the tension between commissioning for “system” and “place”
  • to build meaningful partnerships that will guarantee the delivery of this new vision for commissioning.

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