Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
Save the date/buy the bus tickets!
*Note the change of date to 18/19 January 2020 – Venue is the same, Union Street in Sheffield*
RTP gathering in Sheffield saying goodbye to 2019 in style and gearing up for 2020.
Reclaim the Power is a UK based direct action network fighting for social, environmental and economic justice. After Power Beyond Borders, fundraisers and hostile environment actions we are coming together to think about what 2020 might look like for Reclaim the Power.
Full Agenda details to follow
10:00: Arrivals, Welcome and Intro to Reclaim the Power. Debrief on actions since September
13:30: Caucuses
14:00: Updates and progress from September Gathering, from Working Groups
15:30: RtP in 2020 – what should we be doing, why, where, with whom and how
17:00 [-02:00]: Fracking Ban?! Celebration & Fundraiser: come have a chat by the fires and a dance to DJ Tink’s finest soul and funk at Hagglers Corner (586 Queens Road, S2 4DU). We’ll be raising money for ongoing campaigns, so drop some silver in a bucket, slurp a limited edition climate justice cocktail and nibble a slice of freshly baked pizza!
10:00: Arrivals, Welcome and Intro to Reclaim the Power. Organising ourselves online. By 2020 we rise up
14:00: Proposals: Supporting the Scottish Climate Camp; RtP role around UN climate talks in Glasgow this year
17:00: END
RTP operates a solidarity travel fund to help people attend gatherings who would otherwise not be able to do so. Please email if you need help with the up front costs of your travel and try to book your transport asap so that our fund can help as many people as possible to attend.
The venue is on the 2nd floor, with wheelchair access by a lift.
Please do let us know about any access needs via and we will work with you to make the space as accessible as possible for you.
Please do email ahead if you can to let us know who to expect so we can plan age appropriate activities.
CRASH SPACE : At our National Gatherings, you can always find a warm, safe space to sleep from the network. Please email if you’re in need of a place to stay!
FOOD: There will be a vegan meal provided for a small donation on both Saturday and Sunday.
If you have any further dietary requirements, please let us know in advance via and we will do our best to cater for you.
AGENDA will be shared closer to the time.