Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
It’s been half a century since the eruption of the Stonewall riots where working-class queers fought back against police in the streets of New York City. Triggered by decades of oppression and violence at the hands of the state and wider society, these uprisings sparked the international movement for LGBTQ+ rights.
Many in Western imperialist countries believe that the battle for equal rights is now won due to queer hypervisibility during the rainbow-tinged corporate logo bombardment that is Pride Month and with the ever-increasing presence of LGBTQ+ people in the public eye. Right-wing, reactionary goblins like Toby Young even claim that being “LGBT is now the height of respectability, while being a white ‘cishet’ male is morally suspect.”
British society doesn’t appear as overtly heterosexist and cissexist as it was several decades ago, but does that mean the struggle for queer liberation is over?
Join us Thursday 7pm for a meeting and discussion. Our meeting room is at The Pack Horse Pub (on Woodhouse Lane near Uni of Leeds Engineering Building). Our room is on the right as you walk into the pub.
Red Flag is a socialist organisation campaigning within Labour for a democratically planned and owned economy. We campaign for grassroots democracy in the labour movement, militant defence of the oppressed and an anticapitalist programme for the Labour Party. Against Brexit, for free movement. Anticapitalist and internationalist. Join us