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Sustainable Fashion Talk x Fashion Soc

November 29, 2019 @ 17:30

Event Location

Leeds University Parkinson Building, SR 1.08
Event Details:

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Do you know how much water was used to produce that cute dress you bought for that party? Unfortunately more than you imagine! The Fashion Society and Green Action join for a talk about the problems of fast fashion and sustainable alternatives! We’ll also have a guest speaker from Leeds Community Clothes Exchange.
Afterwards we’ll be heading to Dry Dock for some drinks and chats! Please come along and remember “being well dressed hasn’t much to do with having good clothes. It’s a question of good balance and good common sense”, so stay cool but go green ?

GET YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lfs-x-green-action-sustainable-fashion-talk-tickets-81202556031

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