Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
All women and non-binary people welcome to Sisters Uncut social centre day!
Austerity has meant closures to our community spaces; we believe this is unacceptable. We demand no more closures and funding directed to specialist women and non-binary spaces.
This day is for learning, solidarity, love and fighting austerity together!
10:00 – Welcome – snacks/tea/ refreshments
11:00 – Right to Remain workshop on the effects of the hostile environment
12:00 – Resisting Universal Credit workshop
13:00 – Lunch (bring a dish to share if you can)
14:00 – Teaching ourselves – the Domestic Violence Bill and how to resist it
15:00 – Sharing/ discussion circle on supporting ourselves in facing and resisting oppression
16:00 – Workshop with Canopy on the housing crisis
17:00 – Workshop and discussion on what we need from a social center in Leeds
18:00 – ‘Pay as you can’ evening meal
19:00 – Closing and film screening: A Kind of Sisterhood
Running at various points through the day:
Craftivism space
Sexual health advice drop in
Peer advice from St Giles’ Trust on health, housing, eduction etc.
The venue has accessible, gender neutral toilets.