Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
Palestine Solidarity Group and Green Action have joined forces to bring you this very special event! ((
Come down to Wharf Chambers for a night of solidarity, camaraderie, and a good old boogie.
Starting us off will be Tristan Fay & Mr. LLyod with some groovy tunes. Headlining is the one and only Papa Nugs, do not miss out on all this flava. And because all the best things come in threes, Sugar Spice & Everything Nice will be ending our night right.
Expect to hear some disco, funk, garage, breakbeat, and house!
100% of proceeds will be donated to MAP, a UK-based charity which works to provide emergency medical aid as well as sustainable healthcare programmes to Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.
More details to follow!!