Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
This is an open invitation to all of our existing or potential Northern Rebel’s to come together and join us in what will be a weekend of various exciting trainings/workshops, much deserved social time and discussions centred around our next steps as a region.
There will be accommodation offered and transport funds available. If you can arrange transport yourself please do so and we will have a form to claim back. If you need help upfront then please email us and we will happily arrange for you.
Please do save the dates and share with your fellow rebels. More information will be flowing your way very shortly.
If you could give us an indication of numbers by responding to this event that that would be super.
For any further information or support please email
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible and are excited to be moving forward united into 2020. Bring it on ??
Love and Rebellion!