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Leeds : Oceans MPA watch parties (by Greenpeace Leeds)

June 22, 2020 @ 17:30 - 19:00

Event Details:

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The UK government is calling for 30×30 for the Global Oceans internationally.  They would be more credible and successful if they are seen to protect our own domestic waters first.

Documentary to raise awareness about the impact of Super Trawlers in the UK´s MPAs and Greenpeace speaker presentation.   Campaign background below.

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Outreach Leeds is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Super Trawlers- Oceans MPA watch parties (online
Time: Jun 22, 2020 06:30 PM London

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Campaign background

Protect the Oceans
In Mid-May, A fleet of Russian Super Trawlers were found to be fishing in a UK Marine Protected Area (MPA) off the coast
of Scotland, demonstrating the complete lack of protection for vulnerable ecosystems within MPAs. Greenpeace have
been monitoring supertrawlers movements in MPAs around the UK. These MPAs have been described as “paper parks”
because they lack rules to protect them, in fact most actually permit intensive fishing and other damaging activities. Super
Trawlers are more than 100m long and capable of processing hundreds of tons of fish every day. While they fish, the small
scale fishing industry, upon which many coastal communities depend, has been largely grounded during the COVID-19
crisis. Whilst the UK Government is calling for 30×30 for the Global Oceans internationally, we believe they will be more
credible and successful at the final round of negotiations if they’ve protected their domestic waters first.

This is why, during the week of World Oceans Day (June 8th) Greenpeace UK is launching a campaign, asking the UK
Government to ban Super Trawlers in MPAs to ensure they truly are ‘protected areas.’ In phase one of this campaign, we
will be asking Local Groups to raise awareness about the impact of Super Trawlers in UK’s MPAs by organising online
‘watch parties’ for your communities during the month of June. We will provide you with the 30 minute documentary,
some tips on the technology and will be asking a local Greenpeace Speaker to also deliver a small presentation on the
campaign following the screening. What you’ll need to do is book in a time, create an event and promote it to your Local
Group and to your broader community. During June, Local Media Coordinators will also be asked to contact local media
and we’ll be asking individuals who are on the coast to be reporting back to us if you see any evidence of Super Trawlers
(either by-catch on beaches or ships off the coast).

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