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How we get ready to do transformative justice and accountability

November 21, 2019 @ 18:30 - 20:30

Event Location

Café+ RED HAUS BOOKS, 232 Abbeydale Road, S7 1FL Nether Edge, Sheffield
Event Details:

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Julia Downes (Sheffield Transformative Justice Learning Group) will draw on her research and practice as part of the salvage collective to speak about some of the challenges that stand in the way of accountability work. Drawing on the work of experienced transformative justice practitioners she will explore what we need for accountability work to take root in our groups and everyday lives.

Red Haus will be serving their usual selection of drinks and food including their famous Korean style Vegan Fried Chicken.

Further info
Julia: http://www.open.ac.uk/people/jd23778
Sheffield Transformative Justice Learning Group: https://sheffieldtransformativejusticelearninggroup.com
Salvage collective: https://projectsalvage.wordpress.com

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