Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
The Racial Justice Network is holding another Black and Brown space!
Our last Black and Brown space brought people together as part of a community to listen, share and just be present. A space outside the newsreel and social media frenzy to connect, give support and repair. The aim was to deepen our understanding and engage in a meeting that worked towards lasting change. It provided a chance to speak, rather than be spoken for or about. As Black and Brown people it is important to put our well-being first in order to keep this movement pushing forward.
Please note: This is a Black and Brown Space only!
In this next meeting we will be discussing divide and rule, how it emerges to weaken movements and how we fall prey to the tactics. We will also discuss how we can sustain our activism from an individual and movements point of view. Building alliances creates the strength needed to bring about systemic change
The Racial Justice Network believes our work is best achieved through collective action. We value work that is collaborative, and open to collective learning and sharing, that recognises the vast knowledge and skills within our communities. Our aim is to create networks to plan for moving forward by creating a space for Black and Brown people to connect and find support and solidarity that we can trust. We strive to centre the most marginalised which requires having race at the core of our work and drawing analysis on how race intersects with other identities and oppressions like class, migration, sexuality, disability, gender amongst other things.
This is the second Black and Brown space of this year and will not be an isolated event. We hope that by providing attendees with an overview of our RJN’s activities we can increase opportunities for people who share our core values to become involved with our work.
Please email if you have any queries or concerns!