Please check the original event link for any updated information or last minute changes, we don’t accept responsibility for out of date information.
Online webinar with participants from the BAME Hub, LYPFT & Black Men’s Health, hosted by Ansa Ahmed [Hope Bereavement Support]
About Kindness Exchange Events
These are currently free webinars/zoom spaces or other pre-recorded events which have a purpose of providing structured, facilitated spaces for individuals, organisations and networks to connect and participate in discussions, share what they do, and share their vision and plans for a #KinderLeeds and a kinder world around a particular shared topic in the areas of kindness, compassion and wellbeing.
Each Kindness Exchange will have a theme, a facilitator, a host and an agreed number of invited or voluntary key panel members (individuals from organisations). Anybody interested in that particular topic is invited to register. If you are interested in co-hosting or being involved in a future Kindness Exchange event then please email us. We would love to hear from you.