Posted 11 years ago

defend Oratia

Judge ruled against Orashia’s case

Contact British Airways to cancel tomorrow’s flight:

Quote flight number BA 2263, departing Wednesday 2nd July 11.55am Gatwick. Say if they deport Orashia, they’ll be sending them back to a place where his life will be at risk and where he has no family to support him.
0844 493 0787 option 3
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Press release:
We are appalled by the Judge’s decision today which leaves our friend Orashia Edwards at risk of deportation to Jamaica where his life will be in grave danger. We won’t stop fighting for Orashia to stay here in Leeds with us, his family and the LGBT community. An application to the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Orashia will be issued shortly.

Orashia is one of the 98-99% of LGB asylum seekers whose claims are rejected by the Home Office and who face being returned to the threat of homophobic violence. This shows systematic discrimination when compared with 76% refusal of all applications* and points to the need for a total overhaul of Home Office procedure in deciding these claims.

Earlier this year the Home Secretary, Theresa May, ordered a review of asylum claims made on the basis of sexuality. She admitted that the Home Office may not have been following their own guidance, resulting in LGBT asylum seekers being asked invasive and inappropriate questions about their sexual behaviour and gender identity. However this review has never been undertaken, meaning cases such as Orashia’s have not followed best practice and LGBT asylum seekers still face disproportionate refusal. We demand a moratorium on any Home Office decisions affecting LGBT asylum seekers until this review takes place.

Pat McCusker, a support worker from MESMAC, is supporting Orashia’s case: “Yorkshire MESMAC are commissioned to provide advice and support to gay and bisexual men. I have supported Orashia for well over a year, I believe that he is bisexual and that he is significant risk of homophobic persecution should he be deported to Jamaica. I encourage the Home Office to reconsider its decision in this case.”

We vow to continue campaigning and challenging the discrimination against LGBTI people within the asylum system.

* Research by the UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group, 2010.

You can watch a short 4min video about Orashia and his court case: